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Core Values.








keeping promises to



Continuous learning for growth.

First of all, learning is the attitude of life to improve oneself with an open mind in order to fulfill the role that follows the authority and duty given to growth. 
A 'preacher' attitude that appeals only to faith without evidence, a 'prosecutor' attitude that attacks the opponent by obsessing only with the evidence that reinforces one's argument,
We need to go beyond the 'politician' attitude of action.
*Adam Grant, Sync Again: The Power of Knowing the Unknown (2021)

What we need is based on the firm confidence that we can overcome any difficult challenge, 
It is a 'scientist' attitude to learn and accept reasonable knowledge and experiences with a humble and open attitude that one's current achievements and experiences may be lacking.
*Adam Grant, Sync Again: The Power of Knowing the Unknown (2021)

Approaches to learning based on confirmation and wish bias can sometimes lead to even more prejudice, preoccupation with non-essential issues, and ruining the team. Learning at Neuromeca should be aligned with the company's mission, vision, and core values, and I think it is correct to proceed in the direction of accelerating the achievement of core KPIs. In particular, when performing a position or when new skills are required, the attitude of learning is more important, and I believe that anyone can grow if learning is successfully conducted in the face of such a challenge. In addition, learning becomes the primary means of accessing the other core values to be presented later. 


Responsible for performance-orientedleadership.

If 'responsibility' is accepted as understanding the cause of the gap between the phenomenon and reality based on a thorough analysis, or devising a new way to solve this absurdity, overall problem solving is understood in a logical and acceptable language and manner. It's possible. Responsible leadership must be based on mutual trust and integrity. For example, even if the team falls into a catastrophic situation, it is not to run away alone saying 'responsible' or to sink together, but to ask for help until the last minute and suggest and practice ways to overcome difficulties. It's important. 

'Leadership' is the attitude of actively carrying out these actions on their own, and proceeding in a direction to further increase their performance through collaboration with others. In particular, if you have leadership, you can organize or adapt in a way that collaboration with colleagues, subordinates, and superiors contributes to the company's mission, vision, and core values, and you can learn how to contribute to the overall performance of the company through various promises to customers. It allows you to constantly think, apply, and adjust. The values of 'learning' and 'community' in these activities cannot be overemphasized. All members must cultivate 'leadership' suitable for their roles and responsibilities, and respond 'responsibly' to these demands. A manager with 'leadership' must nurture team members with 'leadership' and must lead the 'team' leadership to be greater than the sum of the 'leadership' of the entire team. 

The ultimate goal of 'leadership' with 'responsibility' is the 'performance' of the company. Reckless leadership that is not oriented towards 'performance' is a lack of responsibility and at the same time false leadership, which irreparably damages the leadership of the entire company. In particular, the attitude of having 'leadership' with 'responsibility' when performing one's own role is even more important. Failure to achieve goals by pursuing previously compromised goals in a way that is not conducive to completion, or setting unreasonable goals without clear consideration of one's own capabilities creates serious problems. Achieving performance must be viewed from the perspective of the entire organization, the method must be found in collaboration with the organization, and one must faithfully carry out their goals with their own leadership. 


Keeping our promises

to our customer's success.

Every action of the company must create value. The result of the 'act' is delivered to the 'customer', and the value accepted by the customer becomes the output value of the act. When the various 'behaviours' are interconnected, the value stream of the entire system is complete. For example, if one behavior becomes a customer of another, the difference in value between the input and output is 'added value'. 

The value accepted by customers can be summarized in 'delivery time' and 'quality'. Therefore, if one act has multiple customers, the corresponding 'delivery date' and  Defining 'quality' and keeping that promise are important prerequisites for members, teams and the company. When multiple customers exist, 'responsible leadership' is required to set priorities (in terms of both given time and available resources) and set roadmaps and milestones to keep all of the promises (delivery and quality) with each customer. do. 

Every team in the company must define the 'customers' and 'suppliers' needed to define their team and value stream, well define their promises to each other (delivery and quality of deliverables), and define the weight of that value. The weight of that value should be the basis for the input ratio of all resources. In addition, you need to estimate which value stream path and how much each customer commitment contributes to the company's key performance (KPI). This in turn becomes the commitment of each team to the 'company' as a customer (KPI contribution rate), and is a major quantitative indicator of performance. Members within each team should similarly define the flow of values between each other within the boundaries of the team. If a team or a member of the team does not define their customers well or does not understand the value flow of the company's KPIs well, it is necessary to clearly express this through continuous learning with leadership. 

Finally, by clearly analyzing the value-added and non-value-added resources of each team or team members, 
By reducing resource input for non-value-added activities, it is necessary to increase 'productivity' and improve 'performance prediction'.

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